Michelle's Place

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Mr. Potatoe Head

I was in the hallway trying to get things ready for work. I said:

"Jamuson, we need to start cleaning up. What are you doing?"

Jamuson: "I am helping the kids put Mr. Potatoe Head together."

Mom: "Oh? Well if you're not a kid, what are you?"

Jamuson: " I am .......Big."


Blogger KASEY said...

How cute! It's kinda funny that in our family it's Lauren that calls the older two "The Kids". She's done that since she was tiny.

7:28 PM  
Blogger Misty said...

michelle my belle,
How are you. We NEEEEED to get together to scrap. I'm wasting away.
Jamuson, forever the wise one. Potato, potaaato who knows.
Can you give my kyley's e-mail or phone, yes AGAIN. I'm horrible.

9:24 AM  
Blogger michelle said...

Misty, I am sooooo excited because now I am working at the Gym 1 day a week. It will definitely be much easier to get together and scrap now.321-1873 or 892-4538

9:23 PM  

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